I voted today
It is a patriotic duty of ALL Americans to vote in elections. Many men and women died on battlefields for the right to vote in free elections. Don’t pass it up.
I voted today and I hope you did too. As you all know, I am in Michigan and today we are having our primary for governor and several local seats. I voted for governor Snyder for governor of Michigan.
The reason why I voted for governor Snyder for governor of Michigan again is for the following reasons:
1. Governor Snyder passed expanded Medicaid for people like me who were long-term unemployed and fell through the cracks of Obamacare. Some people on the right here in Michigan did not like the fact that Governor Snyder passed expanded Medicaid. I am NOT one of those people. As some of you already know I have not worked for almost 10 years now, at least not for anybody else. I also found out this past year that I have diabetes type 2, and I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Not to mention I also have ADHD and I take meds for it. So this expanded Medicaid for me was a blessing and for that I voted for governor Snyder again. Now I wasn’t too happy with the right to work law the governor Snyder passed, however as far as I can tell that law has not affected the big three at all which includes my Dad.
2. Quite frankly, I simply do not trust Democrats to run the state again. Jennifer Granholm’s tenure here as governor of the state of Michigan was an absolute freaking disaster. When the previous governor left office in the state of Michigan, the state of Michigan had a budget surplus. Jennifer Granholm left office, the state of Michigan was in so much debt it was unbelievable. To me, that points to incompetence. For this, I decided that I could no longer trust Democrats to run the state; and I voted for governor Snyder the first time and because of Governors accomplishments, I voted for him a second time.
I do pray the governor Snyder does win this election again. Because I would sure hate like hell to see this state go back into the craphole that it was, when Granholm was running it.
Here is hoping the governor Snyder wins again.
http://thoughtsandrantings.com/2014/08/05/i-voted-today/ (Follow the link at your own risk, he cyberstalks)
This dumb fucking choad has no idea that expanded Medicaid is Obamacare, and that it's funded by Obamacare. When he is going to admit that he's a "taker"?