Mulligan wrote:This link appeared on my feed from a lady I'm acquainted with ... via none other than former Randy D avatar Frank Nemecek (with whom I'm not FB friends). I had completely forgotten about that guy. Based on the link, he must be in a good relationship. Good for him.
That linked piece was rather great. Came across as a pat on the back, for a couple of things that I may be doing right, but-- more importantly-- a little kick in the ass over things which I could be doing better.
Feeling as though you are "in the right" has no value. It seems to have some value, inside of the moment, but in re: maintaining a healthy love relationship? Being "in the right" has no value, no worth, nothing at all.
"I care about how you feel more than I care about being 'in the right'" is usually a winner... for both parties.
OK, I can't do any more of this mushy stuff, godfuckingdammit
"Do What Thou Wilt" shall be the Whole of the Solid Block of Text.
As a ravine dweller I can confirm this.