Doctor Detroit wrote:Like Gully, I listen to The Ticket in the morning. Actually, pretty much all day. It's not great radio, but it's local and it makes decent background noise. Until Pat Caputo comes on, I can't handle that oaf's blatherings for even 2 seconds.
gullycanyon wrote:Yeah, I think Bankole Thompson is a creep whose commentary usually amounts to just about nothing.
Morning radio is tough, because any outlet that is not actually performing "drive-time" radio has to make, at least, a token attempt at competing with it.
One of my Guilty Pleasures-- one which proves that I am, in fact, sort of a self-punishing loser-- is listening to "The Ticket," sportstalk-radio at 97.1 FM. I think I listen to the early-morning crew because the ire it inspires, in me, gets my blood heated up and running.
As for you, Thunderstruck, if you can tolerate Beckman (is he flatulent, or the actual result of flatulence?,) it seems like you would find Fahle to be positively brilliant. I think I like Fahle more than you do, anyway.
I'm hoping that this thread stays lively. I could use some suggestions. I love talk-radio, but the options are limited, because I am not at all interested in the opinions of anyone who is either completely left or completely right.
Yeah, Frank, that "dead" thing really has a way of putting the ol' kibosh on a guy's radio show.
The Suburban Avenger wrote:I'd rather WDET started "Morning Edition" a little later, if only to spare us the awful "Takeaway." Lord, that show sucks.
"Tell Me More" isn't much better and the Michael Eric Dyson show usually rises and falls based on its guests, just as Frank says about Terry Gross.
I do love the "Marketplace" program, financial news for dummies packed into a nice, tidy half hour. "Soundcheck" often has some cool stuff, too.
I'm sure I speak for the Beav when I say I want "A Prairie Home Companion" on Saturdays.
and no more flatulence into the mike
frank - up in grand blanc wrote:Drew and Mike are the best thing going on Detroit radio, and at that maybe only half of it is bearable. Please, no more fucking sports and no more flatulence into the mike.
NPR, as noted, is sometimes hard to take. Morning Edition, ATC... same crap. Take Away: fuck you. Storyteller shows: fuck you, I can come up with my own meandering daydreams. Terry Gross is pretty good, but about half of the time the guest has nothing to say; some of those topics are so bad that I almost believe that those producers are trying to outdo one another with bullshit esoterica. Dave Davies does a good job as a pinch-hitter, but maybe I just like his name.
The hunt for the exotic goes on. Tonight I tuned in the following on the car's AM: Radio Disney in NYC; news radio in Boston; news radio in Chicago; sports-talk in Cincinnati. Big fucking deal, I know, but how cool is that to dial in a rare bird from so far away? Take that, Mitch Albom.
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